News and Announcements
1) May/November assessments may now be email transferred. Note that the email address for payments is Please use HumberVillage (one word) as a password, or send a separate email with the password to the same address.
3) Cabox Geopark
The agenda will include an update on news and activities since the last meeting on March 4 (including the EU Unterreg funded Drifting Apart project and the recent 7th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks held at Torquay, England), as well as plans for the coming year.
Of special significance and urgency is planning for next year’s Canada 150 / Cook 250 commemoration, both here in Western Newfoundland and in London. Special guest speaker and Grenfell History Professor Olaf Janzen will give a presentation on James Cook’s work in Newfoundland.
Finally, there will also be discussion on Cabox incorporation, as we have reached the point where it is becoming necessary and advantageous.
If there are any questions or comments, or if you would like to add something to the agenda, by all means send them along.
Look forward to seeing you on the 28!
Paul Wylezol
Cabox Aspiring Geopark
James Cook 250
4) Disposal Bins
As you probably know, the property where our dumpsters are situated has recently been sold. We have an agreement for the dumpsters to stay where they are until the end of March, 2017. We are now seeking input for possible new locations for the dumpsters after that date.
The two locations we have discussed are (1) the community centre lot and (2) the river access road. Murphy Brothers has looked at both and deemed both acceptable, possibly with some preparatory work first. In both cases the amount of work (and therefore cost) can range, depending on what the majority of share-holders want. Do we want to go with the cheapest possible option, at this point in time? Do we want to invest in a more permanent solution that will add value to our community? Something in between?
(1) For the community centre, we’d have to form a base for the bins. This would at least require some loads of course fill and class A, and could optionally include installation of a cement pad and / or fencing. This would not interfere with future development of the lot (e.g., recreation facilities).
(2) For the river road, the bins could be placed so as to not entirely block the road, so again wouldn’t interfere with future possible uses. Again, we could optionally make a cement base and have a fence.
Additional lighting and a security camera are also options we might consider for now or down the road, depending on what sort of budget share-holders want to see invested into this project. Adding some sort of community recycling system to the disposal bin area is also an idea to consider.
A third possibility is that, like now, some resident could agree to have the dumpsters on their own private lot. Our current arrangement is to give a credit to the landowner of $100 per month, toward their annual assessments. If you are interested in details on how an arrangement like this might work, please let us know.
We’d like your feedback on these options, and also invite people to suggest other possible locations.
Our hope is to compile feedback on this issue in the next few weeks and send out an update with any new considerations / suggestions that we get.
Cliff will be at the Community Centre on September 24th from 10am until noon if anyone would like to drop by and share your ideas in person.
HV Board
6) AGM 2016
Will be held Sunday, Jan. 15th, 2017 at Steady Brook Hall.
7) AGM 2015 Information
This year’s AGM will be held Sunday, February 7th, 2016 at 2 p.m. at Steady Brook Hall. Details were mailed out to all residents the week of December 21st. If you have not received an AGM package, or your contact information has changed since our last AGM, please contact the board at
8) UNESCO Geopark Project
UNESCO Geopark Project (International Appalachian Trail –
Though the International Appalachian Trail (which traverses approx 12 UNESCO Global Geoparks ( and Aspiring Geoparks in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, England, Wales, Spain and Portugal) is the proponent of Cabox Global Geopark in Western Newfoundland, the mission of a Global Geopark includes much more than trails. It is to promote natural and cultural heritage in ways that increase education, conservation and rural economic development.
To this end, we will be identifying and designating geological, ecological and cultural Geosites across the Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex from Lewis Hills to Tablelands and east to the Humber Valley, in effect the core of the geologically renowned Humber Arm Allochthon. Humber Village lies on the eastern boundary of the Allochthon on the ancient continental slope of Laurentia (i.e., early North America).
We are already a partner in the EU Interreg funded Drifting Apart project ( and our partners and supporters include Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd., NL Geological Survey, Petroleum Geoscience Division of Natural Resources, Western Destination Management Organization and 14 towns in the Bay of Islands, Humber Valley and western Bonne Bay.
The designation itself is a high profile International designation under UNESCO, on par with World Heritage Site and Man and His Biosphere. It does not require legislation or land ownership and there are no fees or restriction on current land use. However all communities have agreed to a one time fee of $1 per person to help cover the cost of website, signage, etc.
To follow is a document outlining the Geological storyline of the planned Geopark for the Drifting Apart Project, with 4 representative Geosites. Of course if we extend further east into the Humber Valley, maps and Geosites will be modified and added to include the new boundaries.
A larger document with greater detail on the project as a whole is available for download. I can also stop by at your convenience to discuss the plan and answer any questions.
Note: we are on a very tight timeline, preparing to submit our application (Letter of Intent) to the Canadian Geopark Association ( by the end of February. As a result, we will need to know by the end of the month whether Humber Village is interested in participating. If a few residents are interested in representing HV’s interests, we need to hear from them by next week.
We look forward to your participation.
Paul Wylezol
Cabox Aspiring Geopark
9) Strategic Agriculture Plan for Humber Valley
Strategic Agriculture Plan for Humber Valley – meetings are held in Deer Lake (Grad Lake Centre of Economic Development). To date there have been a few meetings, whereby terms of reference and general discussions have been exchanged.
Please contact Glenda Garnier 636-3285 (President of the Grand Lake Centre of E.D.)
Thanking you in advance for updating us as to your involvement with either project.